Personality Factors of Teaching Professors in Coimbatore City

  • G Vengatesan Assistant Professor, PG & Research Department of Commerce (CA), Hindusthan College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
  • P Nethra II.M.Com (CA), PG & Research Department of Commerce (CA), Hindusthan College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Personality, Education, Character, Profession and Student


Personality is a set of individual differences that are affected by the development of an individual: values, attitudes, personal memories, social relationships, habits, and skills. It is the product of a great many characteristics or traits. It encompasses the stability of the psychological made up of the individual. It is the sum total of the general characteristics which distinguishes an individual from every other person. Since it has to do with a collection of different aspects of a person’s behavior, it is said to include the traits of ability, beliefs, attitudes, values, motivations, motives and habitual mode of adjustment. The education is the important element in most of the nation’s agenda. The need for improving the teaching profession as stated in the education development blueprint shows that the teacher is the main person to play an important role in realizing the education development. The teacher’s personality could be a good effort in identifying factors that influence their performance insupporting the achievement of any education goals.

Therefore, according to the position a person should build his/her characteristics and demonstrate the behavior because personality is not only the property of that individual but also the institutional organization.

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