An Analysis of Impact on Banking Sector Performs in the Performance of Deposits and Loans and Advances of Pandyan Grama Bank in Tamil Nadu

  • V Alwarnayaki Assistant Professor of Commerce, SRNM College, Sattur
  • R Gopalsamy Deputy Director, Natesan Instituate of Cooperative Management, Chennai


The Regional Rural Banks in India, generally three to four decade old play an important role in the rural economy of India and the Pandyan Grama Bank is one of the Regional Rural Bank operating in Tamil Nadu covering 16 districts. In the recent years the performance of this Bank in rural areas of Tamil Nadu a remarkable. The average of deposit mobilization has increased 10times in Phase III comparing the average deposits mobilized in Phase I. The average loans and advances have increased 24 times in Phase III when compare Phase I. The study reveals the impact of reform measures on the performance of deposits and loans and advances in Pandyan Grama Bank over a study period.

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