A Study on Customer Behaviour in Health Drinks Market in Tiruppur City

  • V Thiyagaraj Asst. Professor, Department of Commerce, Chikanna Govt. Arts College, Tirupur
  • Revathi Murali Asst. Professor, Dept. of Commerce, Dr. Damodaran College Science, Coimbatore
Keywords: Consumer preference, health drinks, Satisfaction, Behaviour change


India, world’s largest malt- based drinks market, accounts for 22% of the world’s retail volume sales. The present study attempts to know the buyer behaviour of health drinks. The basic purpose of this paper is to find out the influence of various factors on the buying decision of customers. It also attempts to determine the awareness level and loyalty status of customers. To develop the conclusions exploratory and descriptive, research designs are used. Primary data is collected with the help of questionnaire method and data is analysed with the help of various statistical techniques.

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