Plantation of Chillies in Ramanathapuram District

  • M Sri Rama Jayam Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Annamalai University, Chidamparam
  • S V Murugesan Assistant Professor of Commerce, Directorate of Distance Education, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Chidamparam
Keywords: Indian Chilli Market, Process of chilli, Harvest


Growing Chillies requires a warm growing environment and so unless you live in a warm climate your Chillie plants will spend a considerable amount of time indoors or in the greenhouse. Chillies are most often grown in pots or grow-bags and are a good source of vitamin C. They also stimulate the circulation and boost metabolism so give a feeling of energy. Chillies are very similar to sweet bell peppers (Capsicum) but they have a hot fiery flavour instead of the sweet flavour associated with bell peppers.

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