A Study on Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction among Bank Employees in Chennai City
The progressions happened in the theory of management has likewise essentially influenced the attitude of organizations to their workers. The management worldview, which until the mid of twentieth century was affected by the "classical organization theory", considered organizations as "shut mechanical" systems and its workers as unimportant elements composing them. This approach would in general consider them to be portions of a machine as opposed to socio-mental creatures. Any absence of profitability or mix-up of a worker was fixed by essentially evacuating this workerand getting another one his place. In this approach workers had no significance as "people" at all and their contribution to the organization was restricted carefully to their job depiction. This attitude of the management thought about the workers, causing that these were doing whatever it takes not to become progressively valuable for the organization. At the point when discovered a superior job they used to stop their organizations to new one and to remain there until they find surprisingly better. The "neo-classical organization theory", created to compensate the shortcomings of the classic organization theory, tended to the socio-mental side of the workers. From that time on, their emotions and perspectives, social and mental needs picked up in significance. The attitude towards workers changed and with that expanded the significance given to them. This procedure brought nearer the worker and the organization and expanded their common attachment. With the advanced and post-present day management approaches, the participation and cooperative energy among organization and the worker get more importance. "Mechanical" and "shut" organization models have left the spot to "organic" and "open" models. In the new period, the organizations, such as living organisms, need to pursue intently the changes, openings, dangers, potential outcomes and issues in the outer world and inside themselves, need to adjust to the change and if important to control the change. The workers began to be viewed as organs composing the organism. From now on it is matter that these are sound and dynamic, that they satisfy their missions in the most ideal manner. To accomplish this objective adequately it is important to fortify the organizational commitment. Hence, the present study focused on organizational commitment and job satisfaction among bank employees in Chennai city and study based on both primary and secondary sources of data collections.
Copyright (c) 2013 K Balaji, M Anbalagan

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