A study of e-CRM services of commercial Banks in madurai

  • C Prabhu Assistant Professor in Business Administration, Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • A Kumar Assistant Professor of Commerce, Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • P Selva Moorthy Assistant Professor of Commerce, Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India


Banking Industry has witnessed a lot of changes in the era of Liberalization. The advent of foreign banks into the country and the licensing of private sector have created stiff competition within the business. E- CRM role is more important for a healthy growth of banking business. In fact, E-CRM has made the banking sector more competitive because of advancement of information and communication technologies. The wide spread use of smart cards, ATMs, Mobile banking, Electronic banking pave way to twenty-four hours service. In order to retain their customers, the bank offers ATM services, Telebanking, Internet banking, Mobile banking and others are offer another. One among them is E-CRM solutions. With the implementation of E-CRM solutions, banks can expect several advantages such as smooth processing reduced transaction cost, better security and operational control, multiple delivery channels for the customers, time to market, easy latent of new products and the like. The objective of the study are to analyses the  E-CRM solutions of Commercial Banks in Madurai and to give valuable Suggestions based on the findings of the study. This study the Judgment sampling technique was used to collect the primary data from 125 respondents from the different parts of the district. Overall inference of the researcher is that E-CRM solutions have become the matter of compulsion for the banking industry. Most banks are moving from core banking solutions to E-CRM solutions. If right E-CRM solutions are implemented in right way, they will surely enhance capabilities of the bank in all fronts to make, “Banking without boundaries” a reality.

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