A Case Study on Customer Satisfaction at Fitness Centers, Jabalpur

  • Sonali Bhandari Jain Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India
Keywords: Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, Money Value, Diet, Gym Facility, Hygeine Environment


The word ‘customer satisfaction’ is not just a factor that shows the satisfaction on the part of a service receiver but also it is a factor that plays a vital role in success of a service provider who can survive for a long term in today’s competitive era if he/she considers this factor. In order to convert a particular product or service into a brand with a goodwill it is a must to keep in mind the customer satisfaction. In the given research a case study has been done on satisfaction of individuals from marble fitness club in comparison with some other gyms in Jabalpur. In the provided paper two factors are taken into consideration which are customer loyality (regularity) and satisfaction derived from regularity as it is very much important to be regular if we want the real benefit from workout done in gym. The required topic has been taken as in today’s era technology advancement has been done to such an extent that physical efforts are reduced to do any kind of work because of which people are not conscious about their health as they can do almost every work from their home itself and the new generation is becoming more lethargic . In the world of busy schedule almost every work which can be done through physical efforts is done through various means like travelling through transports in place of cycle or on foot, attending coaching classes online at home etc. It is also seen that the diet of new generation is also not a balanced one . The intake of calories is more as compared to the physical exercises done to burn that. Joining fitness centres not only improves your health but it also build self confidence as a well toned personality has another level of effectiveness and you will stand out of crowd. It is found that a very small percentage of people are conscious about their health who do workout in gyms and it is seen that only 60% of the people who take membership in fitness centres are loyal by being regular and from the percentage of people who are loyal 30% are taking a good diet which is must for developing muscles otherwise without diet we can suffer from various bone injuries by lifting heavy weight. The research will enable readers to know the importance of loyalty towards gyms along with a proper diet if we want results in form of satisfaction.

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