Women Empowerment through Self Help Group in Velappanadaroor at Sankarankovil Taluk

  • T Karthika M.Phil scholar (Commerce), Kamarajar Government Arts College, Surandai, Thirunellveli, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Self – Help Group, Women Empowerment, Rural area, Economic activity


Self Help Groups are small voluntary associations of rural people, preferably womenfolk from the same socioeconomic background. They come together to solve common problems.The empowerment of women through Self Help Groups (SHGs) would lead to benefits not only to the individual women but also for the family and community as a whole through collective action for development. This paper is an attempt to analyze the women empowerment through self-help group. A simple random sampling technique is used to collect data. Both primary and secondary data were used. Fifty self-help group members’samples were collected through a structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed through statistical tools such as a percentage. This study concludes that the economic activities of the Self Help Group are quite successful. In this way Self Help Group in Sankarankovil Taluk Velappanadaroor area the very successful develop women empowerment and rural areas.

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