An Empirical Study on Movement of Stock Market of BRIC Economies- Are they Co-Integrated?
The major objective of this article is to assist the BRICS nations’ foreign investment decisionmaking process, as well as the creation or changes in policies by these nations’ characteristics. The context is crucial for foreign investors considering diversification advantages internationally, as well as policymakers responding to the aforesaid economies’ growth. This study examines the interconnections between the stock indexes of the BRIC economies. The goal of the research is to look at the long-term link between stock market indexes. From January 2010 to December 2020, the researcher utilized the index’s monthly closing price. To get the ADF at the first-order difference, all of the data is utilized in its raw form. The co-integration method is employed to determine the connection between stock indexes. The causal influence on stock market indices is studied using Granger causality. The sample considers countries such as Brazil, Russia, India, and China. The goal of the research is to look at the long-term link between stock market indexes. It is found that Sensex has the highest return among others, followed by SHCOMP, MOEX and BOVESPA. It is also found that the standard deviation of MOEX is high, followed by SENSEX, SHCOMP and BOVESPA. From the causality analysis, it is found Bi-directional relationship between India and China stock market. Whereas in the case of the other two markets, i.e., Brazil and Russia, the relationship with the Indian stock market are neither Uni-directional nor Bi-directional.
Copyright (c) 2021 Hakan Türkmen, Senem Öntürk

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