A Study on Customer Satisfaction Towards Electronic Banking Services and Products Offered by Nationalised Banks in Madurai City

  • K R Srinivasan Head and Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Sourashtra College (Autonomous), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • J Duraichamy Head and Associate Professor, Department of Commerce and Research Centre, Sourashtra College (Autonomous), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: E- Banking Services, Products, Customer Satisfaction, Level of Satisfaction, Nationalized Banks


In modern era electronic devices offers a wide level of services in customer’s door steps. Electronic banking services are the opportunity for entrepreneurs and small sellers. The main purpose of this study is to know the level of satisfaction towards electronic banking services offered by nationalized banks in Madurai city and to know the factors that affects usage of electronic services and products. The study was descriptive in nature and data gathered through questionnaires and document analysis. In order to achieve the objective, mixed use of sampling techniques has been used, sample size was (n=135), data collected with the help of structured questionnaire. Open source software has been used to derive statistical inference.

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