Socio-Economic Condition of Slum Dwellers in Bankura Town: An Exploratory Analysis

Keywords: Basic Amenities, Bankura Town, Socio-Economic Condition, Slum Dwellers, ULB


The word “slum” refers to informal settlements in which the condition of houses is bad and living conditions are very poor. In Bankura town, there are 295 total slums, which are home to 46,341 people. This represents around 33.73% of Bankura town’s overall population. The slum population in Bankura town is continuously increasing. The slum dwellers in Bankura town mainly deprived from education, metal road, water supply, drainage and sanitation system. Some basic amenities need urgent attention in slum area by ULB of Bankura town. i.e. water supply , drainage and sanitation, education, shelter and road etc. The highest number of slum population located in Ward nos. 4, 10, 12, 17, 19, and 20 and maximum number of BPL population is located in Ward no. 19 and 20. The highest number of illiterate slum population is found in Ward no. 4, 10, 12, 17, 19, 20 and 22. The highest number of households in Ward no. 19 is having remote access to drinking water; whereas in Ward no. 1 & 2 are having a lowest number of houses with remote access to drinking water sources. The highest number of houses with access road to house as kutcha road is found in Ward no. 19. The highest number of slum population identifying use of toilet as others, non-earning population, woman-earning member and drop out children in slum is observed in Ward no. 19. It is observed that slum population in Ward no. 19 and 20 are in worst condition in comparison to Ward no. 1 and 2. Development policies must be framed to prevent the formation of new slums and take necessary strategies for the development of socio-economic condition of slum dwellers in Bankura town.

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How to Cite
Barman, D. (2023). Socio-Economic Condition of Slum Dwellers in Bankura Town: An Exploratory Analysis. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 12(1), 85-92.