Role of Fantasy in Intellectual Development of Children

  • Ndayikengurukiye Eliphase Department of English, Dravidian University, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Keywords: Fantasy, Children, imagination, Learning, Thinking ability, intellectual development


This paper discusses the concept of fantasy. There is much in the word of fiction today so that the number of writers on imagination is increasing. After people have come to realize that romance is serving as much as a sea in the intellectual development of children, most of them have started to encourage their children to like more reading fantasy books. Some parents have even made it a great deal by deciding to build a small home library of fantasy books for children.
The paper’s purpose is to discuss the role of fantasy literature in children’s intellectual development by including different forms of fantasy and its various advantages. The latter include creativity, entertainment, imagination and language skills improvement, the schematic knowledge, enjoyment, strategies applied for problem-solving, knowing the do’s and don’ts of the society, etc. Some Critics have made assertions on children’s ways of learning. This paper incorporates some of the claims and discusses them with some excerpts of illustrative stories related to fantasy.
Enhanced by the fact that fantasy is the roadmap to the child thinking ability development, the paper will finally show why parents should motivate their children to get interested in fiction, which has a lot to do with children’s learning process.

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How to Cite
Eliphase, N. (2019). Role of Fantasy in Intellectual Development of Children. Shanlax International Journal of English, 7(4), 32-37.