Mentoring at Tertiary Level Education: A Tool to Exceed Students' Problems

  • Afroza Aziz Suchana Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Keywords: Mentor, Mentoring, Protege, Academic success, Social integration


The study examines the role of mentoring to surpass the problems of tertiary level students. It includes both mentors’ and mentees’ views on mentoring. It explores how mentoring helps the mentor find out students’ problems and to provide them with emotional and instrumental support. Adapting the qualitative method, this research includes case studies of three different students of a private university of Bangladesh who had been facing various problems and shows how they overcame their obstacles. It exposes the difficulties and challenges of one fresher, one female and one minority student. The study applies both formal and informal aspects of mentoring. It also includes an interview of their mentors. Findings indicate that through this process, mentors may find students’ problems and help them go over and inspire them with a vision of the future. The study finds that mentoring contributes to students’ academic achievement and social integration. It also states that through mentoring students’ frustration can be transformed into motivation.

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How to Cite
Suchana, A. (2019). Mentoring at Tertiary Level Education: A Tool to Exceed Students’ Problems. Shanlax International Journal of English, 7(4), 11-17.