Living Conditions of Women Labourers Working in Unorganised Sector With Reference to Match Industry
In developing countries like India, women’s participation in the organized sector it’s only about 15.0 per cent through in some of the developed countries a ratio as high as 72 to 80 per cent is reported. However, their participation in unorganized and informal sectors are quite considerable in these countries. Prabha rai made a study on the unorganized labor force in India to evaluate the living conditions of these employed in various industries, trades and services both in rural and urbanareas. It shows that now industries and crafts like embroidery industry, beedi industry, manufacturingunits and the match industry units developed without having been brought within the purview of the laws. Now the time has come to take steps at the level of individuals. States and international level to protect the human rights of women labourers of unorganized sector in India.

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