How Service Quality Dimensions are Influencing Rural Consumers’ Satisfaction Level towards Mobile Services in West Bengal?
Urban market in India is almost penetrated by all the national & international players but still the rural market is not yet pierced as compare to urban market. The 70% of population in India are staying in rural India only. So, naturally all the marketers will try to enter the market & want to grasp it as soon as possible. Huge competitions, advancement in technology and reduced tariff have propelled the growth of mobile services in India. In the last few years, the industry has made tremendous growth in terms of subscriber base. Today, cell phones have become indispensable for people and moved beyond their fundamental role of communication. In today’s complex business environment, it has become very crucial for companies to attract and retain customers for long-term sustainable growth. This study was set to determine the relationship between various service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction in rural West Bengal. As the purchasing behavior in any part of the world is reliant mainly on various service quality dimension, this study too focuses on these factors so as to understand and comprehend which are the dimensions mainly influencing the satisfaction level of the customers. It was based on both descriptive and cross-sectional survey designs. A well structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data from 120 customers, using convenience sampling technique. The area chosen for the study is West Bengal, which comprises most prominent rural areas namely Suri, Raigunj, Dinhata, Ranaghat and Contai. Data were analyzed using SPSS’s Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Multiple Regression and model has been developed from that. The findings of the study reveals that economical factor is the most influencing factor which is affecting the rurl consumers’ satisfaction level in West Bengal towards various mobile services.
Copyright (c) 2017 Debarun Chakraborty

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