Demographic Analysis of Supply Chain Technology Adoption in Apparel Industry

  • C Om Prakash Associate Professor, Department of MBA, Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
  • N Thangavel Professor and HOD, Department of MBA, Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai, India
Keywords: Supply chain Technology, Apparel Industry, Supply chain, Technology adoption


Supply Chain Technology (SCT) has evolved into an advanced science today with multiple technologies like Cloud computing, advanced analytics, Radio frequency Identification (RFID), Geographical Information System (GIS) and so on. SCT has helped in increasing reliability, responsiveness, agility and marketshare for companies at the same time reducing costs throughoutthe supply chain. The Global Apparel Value chain includes raw material networks, component networks, production networks, export networks and marketing networks. With such complex apparelvalue chain it is imperative to leverage the right Supply chain Technologies to efficiently andeffectively control operations.This paper analyses the SCT adoption in Apparel operations using thedata collected from Apparel cluster in Bangalore, Tumkur and Doddaballapur. A Regression analysisis made with predictors like Age of the company, Number of employees, Revenue of the company, Role in supply chain, Type of Ownership and sales break up.

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How to Cite
Om Prakash, C., & Thangavel, N. (2017). Demographic Analysis of Supply Chain Technology Adoption in Apparel Industry. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 5(1), 91-96. Retrieved from