A Study on Customer Satisfaction on Jewellery Purchase in Vellore Dt, Tamil Nadu

  • R Dharmaraj Head, PG and Research Department of Commerce, Sri Bharathi Women’s Arts and Science College, Kunnathu, Arni, TV Malai Dt. Tamil Nadu, India
  • R Nirmala Research Scholar PG and Research Department of Commerce, Sri Bharathi Women’s Arts and Science College, Kunnathur, Arni, TV Malai Dt, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Consumer Satisfaction, Jewellery, Vellore District


The study of consumer behaviour enables marketers to understand and predict consumerbehaviour in the market place, it also promotes understanding of the role that consumption plays inthe lives of individuals. Consumer behaviour is defined as the behaviour that consumer display insearching for, purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of products, services and ideas that theyexpect will satisfy their needs. The study of consumer behaviour is concerned not only with whatconsumer buy, but also with why they buy it. It is concerned with learning the specific meanings thatproducts hold for consumers. A consumer's decision to buy a jewel is influenced by number of factorsas Purity, Cost, Pattern, Advertisement, Store Ambience, Promotional Offers and Loyalty. Consumersdiffer from one another in terms of their Sex, Age, Income Level, Educational background orOccupation and Personal characteristics which influence their buying behaviour. The needs of elderlyconsumers are different from those of young consumers. Consumers in urban areas have needs whichare totally or to some extent different from the semi-urban area consumers. To successfully market toconsumers with different personal characteristics, the marketer must accordingly modify hismarketing strategies.

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How to Cite
Dharmaraj, R., & Nirmala, R. (2017). A Study on Customer Satisfaction on Jewellery Purchase in Vellore Dt, Tamil Nadu. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 5(1), 116-124. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/management/article/view/1770