Celebrity Endorsement: A Strategic Promotion Perspective in Female Skincare Products in Triuvarur District

  • D Jegadeesh Shiney Research Scholar, Research Department of Business Administration, M.R. Government Arts College, Mannargudi
  • T Paramasivan Head, Assistant Professor, Research Department of Business Administration, M.R. Government Arts College, Mannargudi
Keywords: skincare market, Testimonial


The celebrity endorser is a panacea for all marketing woes. It is today a frequently used approach in marketing for all brand building exercises. The star appeal however needs to be perfectly blended intelligently and strategically to reap the benefits and make brands .It serves as an aid to expedite recall and influence purchase. But can also be a nightmare unless accompanied by a powerful idea, effective and impeccable positioning A quantitative research is a method based on statistical data’s gathering via questionnaires.

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How to Cite
Jegadeesh Shiney, D., & Paramasivan, T. (2017). Celebrity Endorsement: A Strategic Promotion Perspective in Female Skincare Products in Triuvarur District. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 4(3), 78-84. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/management/article/view/1808