The Performance of Micro Finance in India: A Review

  • S Ravi Professor and Head, Department of Management Studies, Er. Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering, Hosur, Tamil Nadu
  • V Kumaravel Director, Vivekanandha Business School for Women, Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu
  • P Vikkaraman Professor, School of Management Studies, Anna University Regional center, Coimbatore
Keywords: Microfinance, Self Help Group, Rural Credit, Women Empowerment


Micro finance in the global context is commonly understood to refer to programmes meant for providing credit for self-employment and other financial and business services to very poor persons. Micro finance is the small scale financial services provided to the people who work in agriculture, fishing, herding; who operate small or micro enterprises; who provide services; who work for wages or commission; and other individuals or groups at the local level of developing countries, both rural and urban. The microfinance were utilized for multipurpose both personal and as well as empowerment when comparing with other loan the repayment capacity is more in microfinance. The present paper made an attempt to analyze the performance of micro finance in terms of saving of SHG members, Loan distributed to SHG members and outstanding of micro finance loan of SHG members. With a more enabling environment and surge in economic growth, the next few years promise to be exciting for the delivery of financial services to the poor people in India inthe form of micro finance.

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