A Study on Operational Efficiency of the Co-Operative Urban Banks in Erode District

  • N Subramani Reader and Head, Department of Bank Management, Urumu Dhanalakshmi College, Kattur, Trichy
  • R Bhuvaneswari Ph.D Research Scholar, UrumuDhanalakshmi College, Kattur, Trichy
Keywords: Urban co-operative banks, Indian Banking sector, global business environment, professional management, self training institute, RBI


Urban co-operative banks hold a very significant position in the Indian Banking sector. Competent management is pre-requisite for the success of any organization. In today’s highly competitive global business environmental, there is an urgent need of professional management for the successful handling and managing the affairs of the co-operative banks. As well educated and enlightened membership, selfless and dedicated, foresighted board of directors, well experienced and trained personal are the real asses of any co-operative organization and ritually a size-qua- non for the growth and development of co-operative organization. There is a need for the introduction of compliments into the self training institute in order to increase the efficiency of training, teaching and also to create computer awareness. It is hope that the state government will not delay
acceptance of the recommendation made by the RBI. In view of the financial sector reforms and deregulation,
urban co-operative banking sector should be immediately freed from restrictive provisions of co-operative Acts as to make them self reliant and self supporting.

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How to Cite
Subramani, N., & Bhuvaneswari, R. (2014). A Study on Operational Efficiency of the Co-Operative Urban Banks in Erode District. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 1(4), 51-54. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/management/article/view/1976