Sustainable Water Resource Through Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) Management

  • T Ramanathan Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Economics, MK University, Madurai
  • P Prabu Research Scholar, School of Economics, M.K. University
Keywords: Natural Resources, Rural Inhabitants, Misuse, Over Exploitation and Pollution


In recent years, the uses of natural resources such as land water and forests have become absolutely unsustainable. Currently 30 percent of the rural population lack accesses to drinking water and, out of the 35 states in India, only 7 have full availability of drinking water for rural inhabitants. Most of the people who live in rural areas demand less water for day to-day living than people living in cities, and the majority of their water demand comes from agricultural needs. Fresh and potable water is a rare commodity and is threatened due to misuse, over exploitation and pollution. Water harvesting is a method of collection and storage of rainwater that can be used to meet out the household, agricultural and navigational requirements. Rain water replenishes ground water and improves its quality too, by softening it. It alleviates flooding significantly. The paper concluded that Private and public participation on RWH management will offer suitable development on socio, economic and environment.

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How to Cite
Ramanathan, T., & Prabu, P. (2014). Sustainable Water Resource Through Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) Management. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 1(4), 55-63. Retrieved from