Improving Public Financial Management in India: Opportunities to Move Forward

  • R Seenivasan Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Economics, School of Economics, M.K.University, Madurai
Keywords: Public Financial Management, Budgeting system, Performance Budgeting, Fiscal Rules, Audit, Accounting


In recent years the role of a sound PFM system to achieve the objectives of fiscaldiscipline, strategic planning, and improved service delivery has been getting increasingpublicattention inIndia.Since public financial management reforms undertaken intermittently over the years, have not delivered anticipated results in these areas, studies and recommendations of Government appointed committees and expert bodies have identified gaps that need attention to strengthen the PFM institutional framework and to improve the efficiency of government spending. This paper examines key PFM reform measures undertaken in India over the past few years and provides suggestions to enhance the effectiveness of these PFM systems.

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How to Cite
Seenivasan, R. (2014). Improving Public Financial Management in India: Opportunities to Move Forward. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 1(3), 41-53. Retrieved from