New Paradigm in Human Resource Management - Investment in Human Capital Values

  • P. Kannadas Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
  • A.R. Nithya Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai
Keywords: Human capital, productivity


The point of this paper is to recognize how human asset (HR) experts can best move toward the estimation of human resources. This is an advancing region and those associations held up as models are continually investigating their methodology and measures and making progress toward better comprehension of individuals commitment.
This paper adopted qualitative approach with descriptive design of the study.
The paper finds that there is nobody approach to complete human resources estimation as it is context‐specific. In any case, there are sure individuals the board gauges that when applied would give supervisors helpful experiences in many associations. More significant than explicit measures is that the cycles around estimation are exact and trustworthy.
Practical implications
All types of capital should be assessed and investigated in setting to see how individuals drive business execution. Human resources possibly adds esteem on the off chance that it very well may be effectively changed over into products and ventures that will make a profit.
The paper inspects human resources the board estimates which give administrators valuable understanding in many associations. Notwithstanding, it reasons that it is more significant that the cycles around estimation ought to be exact and trustworthy 
Paper Type
Empirical research paper

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How to Cite
Kannadas, P., & Nithya, A. (2015). New Paradigm in Human Resource Management - Investment in Human Capital Values. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 2(3), 122-130. Retrieved from