A Study on the Digitalized Human Resources (HR) Practices in Digitalized Business Era in India

  • G Shivaraj Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Digital technology, Digital strategy, Recruitment to leadership management, Structured data, Real-time feedback, Competitive environment, Employee assessments


In organizations across the world, speed of advanced change is affecting issues connected with labour force enhancement, ability change, up-skilling and re-skilling, preparing, and resource development. These worries lie at the core of Human Resource Management (HRM) and require an adjustment in the customary working of HR groups. HRM in the advanced time defies difficulties on two fronts one, making organization measures computerized and information driven and two, changing the labour force and ways work is done in the organization. In straightforward speak, HR works today cover a wide dispatch from system plan to accomplish a dexterous labour force to representative engagement and health rehearses. Beforehand, HRM was restricted to utility and paper serious capacities, for example, recruitment, preparing, and finance organization. Digitalization in HRM is the utilization of advanced innovation for the everyday implementation of an assortment of HR measures from recruitment to authority management. HR managers should reshape their usefulness and make the ideal advanced methodology to upgrade the representative organization relationship. The initial step is to define a reasonable ultimate objective that is, the thing that the key inspirations are moulding the digitalization technique. Truth be told, the robotization of useless cycles can standardize shortcomings and destabilize the organization. This is the reason distinguishing key organization factors while planning the digitalization procedure ought to be a first concern for HR managers. Organizations in most Indian businesses currently utilize organized information and innovation for dynamic and worker assessments dependent on ongoing input, intra-authoritative changes, and outside pressing factors. This is especially significant in a consistently changing and serious environment as is India’s. Hence, the current study has been framed with the purpose to give an outline on the digitalized HR practices in digitalized business era in India and study is descriptive secondary data based one.

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