A Study on Quality of Work from Home among the Women Employees at Information Technology Companies in Chennai

  • R.M. Gayathri Department of Management Studies, SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • J Anand Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Work culture, Quality of work life, Behaviour, Attitude, Working environment, Welfare measure, Perception


This paper deals with the Research Topic, “A Study on Quality of Work from Home among the Women Employees at It Companies in Chennai.” This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of women employees who were working the IT Companies. For exploring the result, various responses to compensation have been taken into consideration for measuring their effectiveness. And for reaching the objective of this study, a questionnaire survey and data have been collected from 52 respondents working in IT Companies in and around Chennai. This study has been made to discover the professional and personal challenges and enhancers for work from home amongst women through a survey of IT Companies in Chennai. The main challenges in life were found to be extended working hours, travel time between home from the workplace and participation in additional jobs and assignments. In personal life, the principal stresses were guilty of not requiring the care of self and elders reception. Social media interaction was found to be a stress buster for many women. Most women and prefer flexible timing and supportive spouse, family and friends as well as environmental conductivities for work at the office.

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