Role of School Level Curriculum Toward Development of Entrepreneurial Intention of Student: A Cross Sectional Study in Bagmati Province, Nepal

  • Bijaya Nepal Researcher IRCC & Lecturer and Campus Chief, Hatiya Janapriya Multiple Campus, Hetauda, Nepal
  • Yam Bahadur Silwal Researcher IRCC & Lecturer and Assistant Campus Chief, Makawanpur Multiple Campus, Hetauda, Nepal
  • Ram Prasad Adhikari Research Chairperson, IRCC & Lecturer and Assistant Campus Chief, Makawanpur Multiple Campus, Hetauda, Nepal
  • Shankar Prasad Upadhyay Researcher IRCC & Lecturer and Campus Chief, Makawanpur Multiple Campus, Hetauda, Nepal
  • Chandra Prasad Luitel Director General of Board of Directors of Education Development, Bagamati Province, Nepal
Keywords: Development, Entrepreneurial, Intention, Curriculum, School


Occupation, Business, and Technology (OBT) curriculum have been placed in basic school education in Nepal. The study hypothesized that the OBT curriculum could play an important role in developing students’ entrepreneurial intention. The study concluded that entrepreneurial intention could be effectively ignited if students are instilled with a sense of self-efficacy, desirability, and opportunity of entrepreneurship. Qualitative analysis has shown that OBT courses can effectively ignite entrepreneurial intent in students, but the teachers could not teach the students the reality of the OBT course at the beginning of the academic year; they could not do anything to stimulate their students interest. Likewise, during the teaching period, teachers could not use the textual materials, methods, observation tours, and experimental methods. Therefore, in rural areas, as compared to urban areas, in girls as compared to boys, entrepreneurial intent was not found to be effective. In this context, the entrepreneurial intention model has been proposed based on the findings and conclusions of the study, with the intention that it will ultimately help to inculcate entrepreneurial intent in students of all fields, genders, and classes in an equally effective way.

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How to Cite
Nepal, B., Silwal, Y. B., Adhikari, R. P., Upadhyay, S. P., & Luitel, C. P. (2021). Role of School Level Curriculum Toward Development of Entrepreneurial Intention of Student: A Cross Sectional Study in Bagmati Province, Nepal. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 8(4), 1-16.