Challenges of Women in Leadership Roles During Pandemic

  • Savitri Jayant Professor & HOD, Department of HRM & General Management ISBR Business School, Bangalore
  • R Suji Raga Priya Research Associate Human Resource Department, ISBR Business School, Bangalore
Keywords: Women, leadership, Pandemic, Challenges


Women around the world are paving the way for an inspiring style of leadership that is dynamic, confident, authentic, and highly effective. It is evident that the countries led by women leaders seem to have been particularly successful in fighting the Coronavirus. The rapid transition to remote employment has taken about other problems for organisations, for successful performance assessment, monitoring, and transparency are often a challenge. The new dilemma focuses around how senior leaders should rethink in decision making and other ways that promote trust, innovation, and cooperation. Therefore, Woman leaders during this pandemic situation are faced with certain challenges that require them to readjust and reorganize to establish a balance between work-related and family-related characteristics. This research paper analysis how female leaders are feeling the impact of the pandemic and how they are expanding their leadership style and also how they influence in work today and beyond. This paper is based on the pilot study conducted among Women withleadership roles working in IT and Educational sector. A Survey with in-depth interview and questionnaire has been used to collect the data and it is analysed through a comparative and regression study. The study also focuses on acute challenges faced by Women working in leadership roles from home and ways to improve the quality and to aspire to boost the standard of leadership in these tumultuous times.

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How to Cite
Jayant, S., & Suji Raga Priya, R. (2021). Challenges of Women in Leadership Roles During Pandemic. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 8(S1-Feb), 29–37.