Catering Students Perception on Working in Hospitality Jobs

  • S Senthil Kumar Department of Catering Science and Hotel Management Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Hotel management, Internship, Perception, Tamilnadu, Hotel industry


Hotel Management Institutions are growing year after year in south Tamilnadu. More & more students are passing out every year. In recent years many of them are showing interest to join in the hotel management course because of various opportunities available in the course as well as the fastest career growth in the industry. When the students join this course, they have a very positive attitude towards this course, year by year, this positive attitude is decreasing when they are passing out/ final year of study they want to change their industry. Hence in this study, a structured questionnaire was prepared and circulate among the students to find the reason. The data scrutinize with the help of SPSS. Further, the t-test, Anova test to find out the significant differences and concluded with some suggestions to enhance the training experience of the students.

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How to Cite
Senthil Kumar, S. (2021). Catering Students Perception on Working in Hospitality Jobs. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 8(4), 64-68.