The Description of Types of Faking Based on Tenure and Frequency of Interview Experience

  • Mukhaira El Akmal Lecturer of Psychology, University of Prima Indonesia, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
  • Diny Atrizka Lecturer of Psychology, University of Prima Indonesia, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
Keywords: Type of Faking, Job Interview, Applicants, Image Protection, Extensive Image Creation, Slight Image Creation, Ingratiation


This research is aimed to describe the faking behaviour mostly committed by applicants, both fresh graduates and working experienced ones, during their selection interview process. This study was participated by 258 subjects following the interview section with the criteria as follow: (1) those being selected at the companies in Medan City (2) Both fresh graduates who had never been interviewed and the working experienced ones :(3) Willingness to participate in the research. The samples were taken accidentally and then provided with the Likert scale of faking developed by Levashina. The raw data were analysed with the descriptive statistic, table of frequency distribution and of crosstab to display the description of faking types from both subject categories, The result illustrated that 162 respondents, 62%, mostly applied Image Protection (IP) as their faking mechanism and it was followed with 55 or 21%, with Extensive Image Protection. Integration was committed by 20 interviewers (8%) which was slightly different from the total of the those using Slight Image Creation (SIC) which was as much as 21 subjects (8%). Aside from that, the fresh graduates and the interviewee with interview experiences have the highest percentage for each type of faking, as many as 1-3 times.

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How to Cite
Akmal, M. E., & Atrizka, D. (2022). The Description of Types of Faking Based on Tenure and Frequency of Interview Experience. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 9(3), 26-30.