The Service Marketing Mix of HDFC Bank

Keywords: Marketing mix, Service Marketing, HDFC Bank


Marketing mix simply means placing of the right product or a bundle of products or services at the right place at a reasonable price. For any company to run its business smoothly, it must know every aspect of the line of business it is in and how to use its marketing mix properly to attract customers. The industry made up of companies which earn income from providing services to its customers is called service industry. The major players of the service industry are banking, tourism, transportation, warehousing, distribution, hotels, restaurants, food delivery, etc. This paper would discuss on the ‘marketing mix’ of HDFC bank which happens to be a major player in the banking industry of India.

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How to Cite
Borthakur, M. (2022). The Service Marketing Mix of HDFC Bank. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 9(3), 64-66.