A Study on Life Satisfaction among Higher Education Students

  • Dr Aman Khera Assistant Professor, University Institute of Applied Management Sciences (UIAMS) Panjab University, Chandigarh
Keywords: Life Satisfaction, Students, Higher Education, Well-Being


The passage to the college denotes a time of progress for students. Life satisfaction is a general assessment of feelings and perspectives about an individual’s life at a specific point in time, going from negative to positive. It is one of three significant indicators of well-being: life satisfaction, positive and negative affect. The passage to the college denotes a time of progress for youngsters. This study examined the level of Life satisfaction among Higher Education Students with respect to various demographic variables viz. Gender, Age, Marital Status, Academic Qualification, Stream of Education, Current Status of Residence, Place of Residence, Type of Family, and Monthly Family Income. The study’s sample comprised of 350 respondents studying in a university in Northern India. The convenience sampling approach was used to gather data from the respondents. The study found that no significant relationship between demographic variables with respect to Gender, Age, Marital Status, Academic Qualification, Stream of Education, Place of Residence, Type of Family, and Monthly Family Income and life satisfaction among students except marital status, academic qualification, current status of residence.

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How to Cite
Aman Khera, D. (2022). A Study on Life Satisfaction among Higher Education Students. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 9(S1-Feb), 96-101. https://doi.org/10.34293/management.v9iS1.4850