Impact of Blockchain Technology in the Financial Sector

  • Vannala Lavanya PGDM Student, International School of Management Excellence
  • Dr Raja Sankaran International School of Management Excellence
Keywords: Blockchain Technology, Regulatory Support, Perceived Usefulness, Social Influence


Purpose: The purpose of the study was to examine the factors influencing the adoption of Blockchain Technology in Financial Sector in India. For this study, four factors namely, Regulatory Support, Trust, Social Influence, Perceived Usefulness, and Design were used to determine the consumer perception of Blockchain Technology in India.
Methodology/Approach: An online survey was used to collect data from 161 consumers performing financial transactions in India. IBM SPSS and IBM SPSS AMOS were used to test the conceptual model and to validate and statistically analyze the results.
Findings: The factors Regulatory Support and Design were found to be significant on behavioral intention, whereas Trust, Social Influence and Perceived Usefulness were found not to be significant.
Implications: This study can be used by government agencies, banks, financial institutions, as well as fintech firms in India to strategize and to attract customers to adopt financial transactions using blockchain technology.

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How to Cite
Lavanya, V., & Raja Sankaran, D. (2022). Impact of Blockchain Technology in the Financial Sector. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 9(S1-Feb), 270-281.