A Study on “Technology Life Cycle in Business and its Management”

  • Sri Pavani Albalivada Research Scholar, Department of Commerce and Management Studies, AU College of Arts and Commerce, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
  • B. Sarath Chaitanya QA Lead, Quality Assurance, Netcracker Technology Private. Ltd, Hyderabad, Telangana
Keywords: Product Life Cycle, Technology Life Cycle, Industry Life Cycle, Business, Management


In Technology there are many life cycles from various aspects and classified into different categories. Product life cycle is simple and basic life cycle for any product. This is the base for development of many other life cycles. But in literature different life cycles like Product life cycle, Technology life cycleand Industry lifecycles are often considered as interchangeable concepts though it is inappropriate. So, this paper enlightens the differences between these concepts. This study tries to understand some theoretical insight of Technology life cycle. This Study also focuses on different steps for effective technology Life cycle in Business and its Management. This research paper acts as a unique source for technology life cycle and management.

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How to Cite
Albalivada, S. P., & Sarath Chaitanya, B. (2022). A Study on “Technology Life Cycle in Business and its Management”. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 9(S1-Mar), 56-60. https://doi.org/10.34293/management.v9iS1-Mar.4892