Review on Vortex Generators Mounted on Airfoil to Improve the Aerodynamic Performance

  • Mayuri R. Gore Student, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Sanjay Ghodawat University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
  • Balaji .K Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Sanjay Ghodawat University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India


In aircrafts lift is the most important factor which depends on wing performance. But during the cruising flight when the angle of attack increases there is change in the aerodynamic factors such as lift and drag forces due to the boundary layer (BL) separation. To delay or avoid this boundary layer separation and improve the aerodynamic performance of the wing vortex generators were introduced. Vortex generators helps to keep the boundary layer attached to the wings upper surface. In previous decades much study is done to control this BL on the different types of airfoils i.e. symmetrical or unsymmetrical. This review is based on study related to improve these parameters so that there will be increment in lift coefficient and reduction in drag coefficient. To overcome these parameters appropriate size, shape, length, position and incidence angle, etc should be investigated to find out the suitable one. These investigations can be performed as numerical based using software simulation and also by experimental approach in a wind tunnel. The main practical advantage of these vortex generators is to reduce parasite drag on airfoil and increase the lift force, they are also demonstrated to be critically important in other applications also.

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How to Cite
Gore, M. R., & .K, B. (2022). Review on Vortex Generators Mounted on Airfoil to Improve the Aerodynamic Performance. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 9(S1-Mar), 143-150.