Descriptive Analysis on Opportunities and Challenges for Entrepreneurs in Aviation Industry

  • Dr. Rose Kavitha Professor, New Horizon College of Engineering
  • Madhurya K V Research Scholar & Student (MBA), New Horizon College of Engineering
Keywords: Innovation, Entrepreneurs in Aviation, Challenges in Aviation, Business Models in Aviation


The economic development of the nation depends upon industrial development and entrepreneurial skills and competencies of the individuals. Some factors that needs to be considered while understanding importance of entrepreneurship in aviation Industry are innovation, technology and human interventions. This research paper brings many insightsin empirical way the opportunities and challenges put forth for entrepreneurs in aviation Industry. Reflection will be there on secondary data source for substantiating with evidences and this study is novel in its own way.
Entrepreneurship development involves implementation of various activities, functions and procedures that are associated with understanding opportunities and formation of the organizations to pursue them.
Entrepreneurs experience a number of opportunities and challenges within the course of pursuance of their goals and objectives. In this research paper, the main areas that is focused on understanding the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship in aviation, latest developments in entrepreneurship and what could be the probable innovative business models in aviation.

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How to Cite
Rose Kavitha, D., & K V, M. (2022). Descriptive Analysis on Opportunities and Challenges for Entrepreneurs in Aviation Industry. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 9(S1-Mar), 172-182.