New Innovations & Its Effects in Food and Beverage Service Industry

  • I. M. Karthikeyan Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Annai Fathima College of Arts and Science, Thirumangalam, Madurai, Tamil Nadu
  • V. Ramachandran Guest Faculty, Department of Tourism & Hotel Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi
Keywords: Food and Beverage Service, Innovation, Trend, Physical Environment


It’s obviously true that cordiality is an area that can add to the monetary development of any nation and the travel industry is a significant part of same which incorporates number of areas like housing, catering, transportation, guest attractions, diversion and so forth Food and drink administration area is viewed as one of the significant fields which bring a serious extraordinary arrangement of benefit and fulfilling the vacationer. Food and drink administration tasks are proceeding to improve and grow, together with progresses in quality. The travel industry relies upon great nature of food and refreshments administration on the grounds that the greater part of the vacationer spends over 25% (Outlook June, 2012 / Emerging Trends in Food and Beverage Services Retailing in India) of their costs on same. In current situation individuals don’t care for ordinary assistance style for food and drink however they need some development which can be engaging, appealing and respectable even actual climate which incorporate help staff, atmosphere, table setting and lighting is additionally vital to draw in the visitors. Administration quality plays a vital situation to make the clients happy and demands them to return to the eatery. The food and drink industry is dependent upon various patterns and these patterns affect eatery business achievement or disappointment. This review centers around recent fads and advancements conceded by food and refreshment administration style and why actual climate is significant for any café.

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How to Cite
Karthikeyan, I. M., & Ramachandran, V. (2022). New Innovations & Its Effects in Food and Beverage Service Industry. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 9(S1-Mar), 183-192.