Climate Change and Sustainability: The Role of Finance in Driving the Transition to a Greener Future

  • Dina Joseph Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, VELS University (VISTAS), Pallavaram, Chennai
  • M Vetrivel Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, VELS University (VISTAS), Pallavaram, Chennai
Keywords: Climate Change, Finance, Sustainability, Green, Transition, Carbon Emission


One of the most important issues confronting mankind in the twenty-first century is climate change. These days, more people are aware of global warming and its negative effects on human existence. Change is thus necessary for survival, and ongoing efforts should be undertaken to manage the environment in a sustainable way. The necessity for quick action has increased as the effects of global warming become more obvious. The role of finance in addressing climate change goes beyond mere funding; it serves as a catalyst for sustainable development, driving innovation, incentivizing low-carbon investments, and reshaping the global economy towards a more resilient and low-carbon future. This paper highlights the pivotal role of finance in addressing climate change and highlights the transformative potential it holds for a sustainable future.

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