An Assessment of Assuring E-Learning Education Quality on MBA Program in Tamil Nadu, India

  • K R Kumar Associate Professor in MBA, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering (Autonomous), Hosur, Tamil Nadu, India
  • B N Sivakumar Director, Department of MBA, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering (Autonomous), Hosur, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Bench marking, Continuous improvement, Carrier advancement, Information, E-learning, Tamilnadu


As of late, numerous colleges and instructive organizations have made extensive interests in e-learning frameworks. These are frameworks that convey instructive administrations by means of electronic channels. Administration quality has been examined in past research as a basic factor for estimating frameworks achievement. Unassuming consideration has been paid to factors influencing the administration conveyance quality in the e-learning field. The goal of this examination is to recognize the factors considered to affect the e-learning frameworks benefit conveyance quality through a review of partners. The principle finding of this investigation is that IT foundation, framework quality, and data quality altogether influence benefit conveyance quality in the e-learning frameworks field. IT framework administrations were found to assume a basic part in enhancing framework quality and data quality, and this develop can be considered as an establishment of conveying top notch instructive administrations.

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How to Cite
Kumar, K. R., & Sivakumar, B. N. (2019). An Assessment of Assuring E-Learning Education Quality on MBA Program in Tamil Nadu, India. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 7(2), 37-46.