Navigating Dual Realities: A Comparative Study of Work-Life Balance among Migrated and Non-Migrated Lecturers in Dimapur District

  • D. Shobana Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, St. Joseph University, Chumoukedima, Nagaland, India
  • I. Siddiq Director and Associate Professor, School of Commerce, Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Migrated, Lecturers, Higher Education Institutions, Work-Life Balance, Job Satisfaction, Workplace


This comparative study delves into the intricate dimensions of work-life balance experienced by lecturers in Dimapur District, focusing on a unique dichotomy - those who have migrated to this locale and those who have maintained their roots. The research objectives encompass an assessment of WLB perceptions and experiences of migrated lecturers, a comparison of WLB between migrated and non-migrated counterparts, an exploration of the multifaceted determinants influencing WLB, and the proposition of actionable strategies to enhance this equilibrium. Through a comprehensive examination of these objectives, this research aims to contribute a nuanced understanding of the work-life dynamics among lecturers in Dimapur District, providing valuable insights that extend beyond the confines of this locale, and informing broader discussions on work-life integration within academia.

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How to Cite
Shobana, D., & Siddiq, I. (2024). Navigating Dual Realities: A Comparative Study of Work-Life Balance among Migrated and Non-Migrated Lecturers in Dimapur District. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 11(4), 34-41.