Impression of Metaverse on Gen Z Customers in the Hotel Industry

  • B. Cynthia Jenny Princy Research Scholar, Faculty of Management, SRMIST, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • V. Kiruthiga Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, SRMIST, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Metaverse, Gen Z, Virtual Experiences, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Hotel Industry


The metaverse is having a revolutionary effect on Gen Z customers in the hotel industry. With Gen Z’s passion for technology, hotels may make use of the metaverse to allow guests to explore and book based on virtual experiences. Their preferences are catered to through virtual tours, customized interactions, and social areas. In keeping with Gen Z’s need for distinctive, adaptable experiences, the metaverse also provides venues for virtual conferences and events. Virtual co-working spaces take advantage of the growing trend of remote work, while digital concierge services improve client care. Metaverse gives hotels the ability to design captivating, technologically advanced spaces that satisfy Gen Z’s demand for unique, creative, and socially engaged vacation experiences. This study aims to focus on the Impression of the metaverse on Gen Z customers in the Hotel Industry. The study was done using qualitative research on Gen Z customers. The study unveils that Gen Z customers are likely to use the metaverse, they value it for immersive experiences and better personalization in hotels. Future studies should examine how Metaverse will affect them in the long term and how their expectations change as Metaverse tech improves.

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How to Cite
Cynthia Jenny Princy, B., & Kiruthiga, V. (2024). Impression of Metaverse on Gen Z Customers in the Hotel Industry. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 12(1), 24-30.