A Study on Influence of Web Quality and Self Efficacy on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Technology Adoption by Extending the Utaut Model with Reference to Student MOOC Users
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is one of the most innovative ideas in modern learning methods. It helps people for autonomous study and to share globally excellent learning resources. Despite of many advantages in adopting MOOCs, many research studies have indicated that majority of MOOC users discontinues the course whose intentions of users are not clearly known. The purpose of this research is to find the influence the Web Quality (WQ) and Self Efficacy (SE) on massive open online courses technology adoption by extending the UTAUT model. Two new constructs Web Quality (WQ) and Self Efficacy (SE) were added to the existing UTAUT model constructs Performance Expectancy (PE), Effort Expectancy (EE), Social Influence (SI), Facilitating Conditions (FC) and the behavioural intention to use MOOC is determined as per the model. The study was conducted among college students who use MOOC and hence the sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The statistical tools used for analysis of the data are cross-tabulation, regression and for this SPSS software was used. The research revealed that web quality (WQ), and Self efficacy (SE) has significant influence on behavioural intension to use MOOC. The implication of this research is that the service providers get more light on the important factors which influence the behavioural intention to use MOOCs and to know the technology acceptance of MOOC.
Copyright (c) 2019 P B GovindAarajan, A R Krishnan
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.