Livelihood Status of Women Agricultural Labours in Villupuram District

  • B Vijay Kumar Ph.D. Scholar, Centre for Rural Development, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India
  • P Murugesan Assistant Professor, Centre for Rural Development, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: women agricultural labourers, Agricultural Development, human resources, man power planning, unorganized sector, socio-demographic characteristics


In India rural women constitute about 80 percent of the women population.There are nearly 50 percent of the total rural population and thus numerically capable of paying a pivotal role in the rural economy. Howeverit’s disappointing to note that a demographic prospective women in general and rural women in particulars displays a picture of educational backwardness, poverty, ill- health and lack of opportunities for political and social economic development. Share of employment in the unorganized sector as held by women could be traced to nine major employment systems. They are agriculture, dairying, animal husbandry, fisheries, social and agro forestry, khadi, village industry, handlooms and sericulture.

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