A Study on Infrastructure Development in Relation to Livelihoods of Rural People in Kalrayan Hills, Villupuram District, Tamilnadu

  • P Ramesh Babu Ph.D. Scholar, Centre for Rural Development, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India
  • P Murugesan Assistant Professor, Centre for Rural Development, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Rural Development, standards of living, Agricultural activities, economic activities, production of foodstuffs, Soft infrastructure


Infrastructure is one of the main pillars of rural development. Prosperity, progress, employment, standard of living, sustainable livelihoods, often occurs in an environment where there is presence of good quality, accessible, plenty, and long lasting infrastructure. In addition to this infrastructure reduces the inequality in the society. There are clear evidences that rural infrastructure viz. transportation, electricity, water and sanitation, telecommunications, power supply, irrigation, markets etc. strongly contribute in the processof rapid transformation of traditional society and nation. In the world, the developed nations are the most suitable, exact examples of the image and scale of development that they had have invested large capital and huge manpower in the development of infrastructure. That is why, the large portion of population of developed nations are enjoying the fruit of development. The least developing countries in contrast, not been able to invest, manage and initiate the infrastructural development through large interventions in the policy, programme and implementation that could guarantee a happy, prosper and satisfied life of rural people. Rural areas are the isolated areas with less economic, social and physical development, so the poverty is concentrated in rural areas. The main source of income in rural areas is agriculture; many rural residents rely on agricultural and allied activities for their survival, but the agriculture sector is not sufficient to meet even the dietary needs of rural people. There are such factors, that collectively compelling the rural pro poor and landless to the vicious cycle of poverty. These factors are having combine huge negative effect in the living of rural downtrodden people. Lack of infrastructure is the main obstacle for the economic development of the rural area; mass poverty leads to poor health, backwardness, illiteracy, ignorance, and isolation; these social conditions working further as a cycle to encircle the pro poor marginalized people in the strong bound of poverty line. This never ending cycle of poverty continue until we start the comprehensive huge and continuous intervention in terms of infrastructure development that could only break the line wall of poverty and bring the people in the main stream of prosperity, progress, happy, development and welfare. Infrastructure plays a decisive role in reducing the rate of poverty. Therefore it is main duty, responsibility, humanity to start welfare based urgent and utmost developmental activities focuses on rural infrastructural development, so that rural livelihoods can be promoted and protected, as a result of developmental programmes rural areas also play a vital role for the development of whole nation and world. Infrastructure also contributes to inclusive rural development. Rural development also increases opportunities of employment and off-farm activities; simultaneously, increases the purchasing power, market accessibility, access to services and facilities, consumption pattern, and saving power of the people, leading to reduction of poverty.

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