Determinants of Access to Institutional Credit by Farmers’ Households in Virudhunagar District

  • M Jeyakumar Associate Professor and Head, Research Centre in Economics, Saraswathi Narayanan College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • K Meenakshi Sundaram , Research Scholar (Part-time), Research Centre in Economics, Saraswathi Narayanan College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Institutional Credit, Debt Servicing Capacity, Dependency Ratio



The present research paper aims at investigating the determinants of access to institutional credit by farmers’ households in Virudhunagar district. The work has been carried out against the backdrop of evolution and growth of rural credit system in India along with its observed failure to be inclusive in character.  The study is completely based on the primary data provided by 201 marginal farmers, 81 small farmers and 36 large farmers in the study area.  Logistic Regression Line has been fitted to analyse the determinants of access to institutional credit.  The paper stresses the need for strengthening of semi-formal source of credit namely micro-finance. 

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