Women Freedom Fighters of Madurai – A Study

  • N Asha Devi Assistant Professor in History, E.M.G. Yadava Women’s College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: British period, Women Freedom Fighters, freedom struggle, Indian National Congress, Madurai Municipality, vellaiyane Veliyeru, Quit India


Tamil Nadu has a great tradition of heritage and culture that has developed over 2000 years and still continues to flourish. British men considered India as market to sell their business product. So from the beginning itself their aim was exploiting the Indian economy whenever economic dullness happened they dumped their Goods in India and sold it in later days they introduced many changes. More than the Indian Kings to eradicate misbelief and women freedom. In the British period the education of women was encouraged and this resulted change in the position of women the educated women rise the voice against British domination and entered into the freedom struggle. Thi s paper Women Freedom Fighters of Madurai – A Study deal about the women freedom fighters of Madurai and their various contribution for freedom struggle.

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