Jain Monuments in Madurai

  • N Asha Devi Assistant Professor in History, E.M.G. Yadava Women’s College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Mahavira, Jain Monuments, Madurai, Keelakuyilkudi, Samanarmalai, Jain Beds, Inscriptions


Madurai is a city of confluence where different faiths flourished through the ages. Jainism is one among ancient religions in the world. It was believed to have been founded by twenty four Theerthankarars from Atinatha to Mahavira . Historians believe that Mahavira’s period was 590 – 527 B.C. Jainism was accepted as the religion of the people and kings in South India much earlier to the spread of Buddhism. Jaina tradition, Bhadrababu a Jain Saint foretold a famine of twelve years which made the Mauryan emperor Chandragupta to abdicate his throne and settle at ShravanaBelagola along with other saints and ended his life by going on a fast called sallekhena or starvation. There is sample proof of religious interactions between the Jains in Madurai and ShravanaBelagola and it is astonishing that Jainism had taken roots so deep in Madurai during the days of pure communication and travel. There were 14 popular Jain abodes for Jain monks in and around Madurai viz.., Thiruparankundram, Samanarmalai, Kongarpuliyankulam, Vikkiramangalam, Anaipatti, Anaimalai, Anaipatti, Meenakshipuram (Mangulam), Arittapatti, Alagarmalai , Karungalakudi, Keelavazhavu and Thiruvathavoor, Kunnathur and Thirumalai . The nearby villages of Madurai City. This paper deals about the Jain monuments in Madurai.

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