A Survey on Hardware Platforms Available for Big Data Analytics

  • D V Jeyanthi Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Sourashtra College, Madurai
Keywords: Big Data Platforms, Big Data Analytics, Hardware Platforms, Horizontal Scaling, Vertical Scaling, big data platforms comparison


This is an era of Big Data. The total digital data in this world is expected to double in lessthan two years. Big Data is driving radical changes in traditional data analysis platforms and algorithms. This paper provides an in-depth analysis of different platforms available for studyingperforming big data analytics. This paper surveys ondifferent hardware platforms available for big data analytics and assesses the advantages and drawbacks of each of these platforms based on various metrics such as scalability, data I/O rate, fault tolerance, real-time processing, data size supported and iterative task support. Using a star ratings table, a rigorous qualitative comparison between different platforms is made for each of the six characteristics that are critical for the ig data analytics. In addition to the hardware, a detailed description of the software frameworks used within each of these platforms is also discussed along with their strengths and drawbacks. Some of the critical characteristics described here can potentially aid in making an informed decision depending on their computational needs.

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