Meta Analysis of Study Habits and Academic Achievement

  • M Elango Department of Education, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, India
  • G Manimozhi Department of Education, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, India
Keywords: Study habits, Academic achievement, Meta analysis


A Meta analytical review investigated the study habits and academic achievement of school and college students. In this study the sample consists of twenty seven reviews based on study habits and academic achievement/ performance. The sample of the review based on inclusion criteria such as study habits and academic achievement. The review was collected by following details such as title of the study, Name of the author, Sample of the study, correlation Value and findings of the study. The Meta analysis is on the relationship between study habits and academic achievement. The main aim of the study is to find the fixed effects, random effects model values, Heterogeneity and forest plots. A Meta analysis of research paper was formed the conclusion.

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