The Struggle and Self-identity in Jack London’s The Call of the Wild

  • R M Raksha II MA English, Department of English PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore
  • P Sruthi Assistant Professor, Department of English PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore
Keywords: Struggle, Self-Identity, Determinism, Survival, Hereditary and Dominant


The study focuses on the struggle and self-identity in Jack London’s The Call of the Wild. It exposes the concept and perspectives of the power structure, class struggle, capitalism and peaceful living strategies. Also, it explores the dominance of heredity factors of a dog devolving into a wolf and seeking self-identity after the fulfilment of all his needs. The novel clearly portrays the character Buck the canine protagonist, as an icon of individualism. The theme of freedom, endurance and the harsh realities of life in the wilderness are woven throughout the narrative. The novel teaches us the survival techniques to come out from the life of struggles.

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