Role of HRM Practices in Steel Industry

  • A Saleem (Full Time Ph.D, Scholar), Department of Applied Research, Gandhigram University, Dindigul
  • A Balakrishnan Department of Applied Research, Gandhigram University, Dindigul
Keywords: Steel Industry, Employee commitment, HRM Practices


In today’s highly competitive and turbulent business environment all modern organizations are operating in dynamic changing scenario. Due to increasing complexities and cut throat competition running organizations effectively became challenge for employers. To gain competitive advantage organizations need to implement unique strategies. Managing human resources is very challenging as compared to managing technology or capital and for its effective management, organization requires effective HRM system. HRM system should be backed up by sound HRM practices. Organization performance is influenced by set of effective HRM practices. It gives fruitful results like enhancing employee commitment, retention and reduced employee turnover. This article emphasizes the role of HRM practices in increasing organizational effectiveness. The research is carried out to find out the employee perception towards existing HRM practices for better improvement.

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